is already pass few days,so fast our Jimmy (ham sap lou) back to his station..v missed you so so much lehs,you always make jokes with us,eventhough you're station head but you will never act like a senior at all..such a nice guy,don't forget to email us when you back to Chengdu,one day i'll sure go china and visit you,give lotsa problem to you..hehe

One Happy Family,lols....really funny when v already took this family photo..v do capture so many pics and this is the most "NICE ONE" and can say that well done laa..take picture also didn't mention 1,2,3 then chi chak...what is this....and yea,tomorrow is our FINAL exam..phewwwwww...tention!!few more days to go... =) and for those colleagues who from different station,i'll missed you guys,remember to keep in touch..