All of sudden i felt like blogging,is like i'm already give up on it..WORK?RELATIONSHIP?LIFE?or something else...i want to express my each and every single things in my heart which i wanted to speak out long long time ago...i feel so empty now,i really don't know what happen,miss my "ex-life"?..i hope "my now" was never ever happen before,didn't do anything which i will regret in my life and future..did i really do that?well,i don't think so cos i feel like this is what i'm doing now..i have to stop it so that i wont feel regret or suffer next time?..yea,bout my job..i hate working right now,i'm so tension...sometimes i might cry alone thinking what should i do.. =( i need someone to accompanied me,care me and even can do anything to make me happy..i got a boyfriend which he stay far far away from me and i can't just tell i'm sad or what cos i don't wanna make him feel worry..no,i can't.......i wanted to see him and tell him what i feel right now..am i choosing the right one?..i've got no idea..i need myself more than anyone right now..

is already pass few days,so fast our Jimmy (ham sap lou) back to his station..v missed you so so much lehs,you always make jokes with us,eventhough you're station head but you will never act like a senior at all..such a nice guy,don't forget to email us when you back to Chengdu,one day i'll sure go china and visit you,give lotsa problem to you..hehe

One Happy Family,lols....really funny when v already took this family photo..v do capture so many pics and this is the most "NICE ONE" and can say that well done laa..take picture also didn't mention 1,2,3 then chi chak...what is this....and yea,tomorrow is our FINAL exam..phewwwwww...tention!!few more days to go... =) and for those colleagues who from different station,i'll missed you guys,remember to keep in touch..
Hello...........??WHAT AM I DOING?hahya,so so worry now which i didnt even touch the book at all..can't even memorize all the rules and regulation..headache!!arghh..i hate exam,i meant it..but anyhow i can't afford to failed this sub,if not have to pay company 14thousand and being terminated!!..hopefully i'll pass it..4subs nii ma,i can do it!wish me luck...
3rd day of classes..
Basically today classes was really meaningfull to me,i really learned a lot bout peoples who had difficulties especially people's who are disabled to managed well themself..were in the classes the whole day but ofcourse not only study but v did do practical,as usual i was having lotsa fun again as i mentioned i liked this course from head to toe..v try to sat on the wheelchair and push ourself,is really hard to lift our body up when comes to a places that is uphill..and you know what,nearly fall down because aki can't managed to lift me up!!haha..but lucky nothing was happenned..compared to our previous class is scary thou,the part was v being "blind fold" and use the white cane to feel things around us..v walk,v climb and v even touched..can't imagined how blind people can be so brave so face it..and yea,our 3lecturers today all are disabled *i didn't insult or anything" but 1st lecturer taught us was blind,2nd lecturer numb and deaf and last one was his leg is handicap due to last time accident,each and every got their own story but yet they still face it bravely and become successful person..anyhow,last course was nice,v learn SIGN languages,like it very much,lecturer taught so many funny things and she can't even heard single things cos she's deaf and numb..anyhow,thanks alot..i was addicted to learn sign languages,haha..but ofcourse not the *bad sign* LOL... =)
*more pics to upload next time* patient.. =)
First day of training,had lotsa fun with everyone,got to know my colleague from different stations liked station manager Cui ZhiMing from ChengDu CHN station,3India colleagues and 1bangladesh colleague which is Sree,Karthik,Rafi and Hafiz *chennai,mumbai and daka,hong kong the silly girl Winky,2bangkok colleagues too *Gade and Nudee*..and ofcourse others from KUL station..well done everyone,grooming class was going very well,have catwalk,learn how to make up and more....especially the 3banglades fella,really LMAO,do the facial whole session till the class finish!!and from the whole session i really learned lotsa thing,is difficult to memorize every T and C *Terms and Conditions* but yet,i'll still have to get the Cert,is very important for me.. =) so guys,study smart!!
Tee Hee... had a sweet "tong sui/dessert" in Kepong with family.. purposely went there met sis cos after for so long i couldn't see her, was busy working.. between, there's a boutique too *combined together with the shop*, shirt and accessories was nice.. didn't managed to give a try cos everyone was busy eating, so do i.. The shop's design was not bad too, really comfortable and mostly students are there.. got no idea open till what time cos were there bout 11pm++ already.. not that cheap neither for the dessert price, 1bowl cost round rm12.. Anyhow, was enjoy that marvellous night with family..
Well, headed to Mid with Damien in the evening..nothing much to do after v bought the tickets,i really can't wait for the JU-On so called white ghost and black ghost..went for Western food for our first dinner at Chilis before the movie start and it so pack there..what to do, nice food always does.. v spent 1hour just for makan, how enjoyable v are.. yea, after makan v went for movie, again.... were rushing wherever v go, even work also huh??.. =) anyhow manage our "OTP" when v first get in the theater.. Seriously i got nothing to comment about this movie, it sucks, all bout chapter and is not as what v think like a story or something, quite disappointing us..