I'm Soorrreeee
Lotsa things happened to me in the month of Sept.. need ages to solve it what was happening...
anyhow, still got lotsa thing which is bothering me very very much, my present relationship, parents and school life...
cant just let me relax?! i've been suffering and i know its a bit unfair for you but i cant control with others that comes into my mind..
i've been trying to ignored those who are msg-ing with me and i didnt even replied them.. cant you just understand how i felt?
aiiks, i have no idea what the hell all this came to my mind.. so i just need to say
sorrrreee to you -sincere one-..
maybe you are right, i'm selfish sometimes.. nvr think about how you felt.. so now i controlling myself to behave and become a good gf of you.. ok?
today i felt kinda upset too that nvr replied you for the whole day, actually not low credit larh, just a reason..... cox i dont felt like msg-ing,
maybe my mood was not that good.. if we continue msg, i also will find things to argue.. sometimes
i wonder how much i LOVE you or how much i MISS you perhaps?
hmM, i know very well that you treats me in a very good and always be there whenever i need you, sorrree babe.. i was lying, cox i'm too angry that time,
so what thing comes out from my mind i just say out..
i know babe is a very good guy i would say.. SO?? please forgive me alright? babe,
you gave me the sweetest memories
i ever had and first time celebrating my bday with my love ones..
made my celebration turned
to a wonderful and special one..
i'm so glad to be your girlfriend now.. from now on, we dont quarrel much ok?
appreciate the time when we meet..
i would say each time i went to shopping, i will think of buying something for you..
i dont know why.. Eventhough last time we have broken up, but now we still can maintain a good relationship... =)
ohh ya, today whole day i cant online cox sista was playing games, chit chat, this and that, so i decided night is my turn to play..
while i was playing, her boyfriend is disturbing me, asked me to let her online if i want some souvenir from him.. is CANDY... hahaha my favourite sweets..! since he miss my sista so so much..
what to do, just let her play lorh.. when she reached home, she bought some cake and mcd for me cox knew that i would let her play
if there is some delicious food for me.. without any advantages, i would not let her play 1.. haha..
it's late, i'm going to sleep now.. haha, here i comes babe, meet you in my sweet sweet dreams..
NIGHT.......... MWARKS..