haha i'm obviously drunk..
aiiks, kinda lazy to update my blog..
Yea, i've got my photo's today, thats why i'm late.. But finally i made it and now i have the time to sit down infront of my pc and spill out everything at my blog...
these few days i was really rushing to finish up my sejarah hmwrk.. it was lotsa lotsa exercise which i haven done yet.. headed to babe's house today because he told me that his mom and dad was not around for few days, go MIRI i guess.. So went to his house just to spend my time with him because i was bored at home.. Late night had dinner with baby's sis, hoe and his grandpa near my house there.. Then went out to 7-eleven just to buy SKY VANILLA (kind of beer).. Too bad, "SOLD OUT", so v bought ABSOLUT VANILLA.. v didn't really had a small party inside the room like a rockstar but obviously i can tell it was AWESOME.. Haha, baby's grandpa did not know what were avtually doing inside the room cox he was sleept.. At first were playing around then all of sudden baby's sis played Jaychou songs which was my idol!! And i was like OHMY GOSH.... Like it so much la.. Mostly all the songs are nice to me.. While i was enjoying, i was drinking ABSOLUT VANILLA non-stop.. Time passes too fast, i've felt like my whole body was HOT and my head started dizzy.. baby jumping around like a monkey and fooling around with me and then WoooOo............. he's drunk.. hahaha.. He still dont want to admit it, what i mean is drunk people won't admit he was drunk!! And what i did was singing, and you know what?? they thought i'm drunk but i was not...! mayb you guys can't imagine cox you were not there, but it was really funny.. sorree darling, can't stop laughing at you.. I've vomit and its getting better already.. so embarrasing cox babe was just beside seeing me vomiting.. arrrgh...!! i can't even sleep well cox the flu is bothering me so so MUCH... So don't call me a pro drinker since i'm not one okay?!... But v still managed to had lotsa lotsa fun although i'm drunk.. haha..