I am just too busy and just too lazy to blog...
Hahahaha.. But never mind, will make this blog active again..
But I don't really have the time to blog now,I will be facing my final exams this year..
Which I haven't start doing ANY revision and
typing here and TOO lazy to study..!
OMG.. How am I gonna pass if I am still like this?!!!
Nevermind.. i can't even remember a single thing that I've read anyway, so no use also lah... =) OK.. back to my story.. today went to KLCC with babe's family.. we keep camwhoring while babe's family buying their stuff..
although we shop awhile, but i have a nice day with babe too..
=) went back early around 5pm at babe's house, then his mum ask me for dinner at night with their family and friends ..
so i just ans okies *agree*..
after the dinner, go back to his house again because no one at my home.. then i bathe there and we headed a movie at MIDvalley called *IRON MAN*.. opps...
suddenly receive a msg from petbro, so i replied.. not longer we sms he started sweettalk with me..
say that he MISS ME this and that.. duhhh~~ i never do care so much about it but my babe angry already..
i just erm trying to explain what he said to me so that babe wun misunderstand.. after the movie we go back home and that night we had a major argument...
that was not GOOD..!
anyhow we manage to solve it *u know la* pujuk pujuk awhile then sooner or later will be alright.. anyway it makes me understand each other more after we argue...
at least i know what's babe thinking..
BABEs...! don't argue so much okies?
later wrinkles come out not handsome already...
i MISS BABE badly.. this kind of feeling is killing me...!!!