

It had been raining for more than a week, Arrgh... so much rain made me everyday seemed so restless and gloomy.. today he (dear) msg me and said he was coming up.. It was the third time he said came up to see me but at last he put my aeroplane again and again.. SIGH... he carried his excused of why he didnt came all the way here and went to meet his buddies at MCD, tuition and etc.. *disappointed x2* We were living in the same housing area but i doesnt really understand why is it so hard for us to meet each other.. We would always eat lunch together after school, watch movies, and sometimes go out together.. We were more like a family, but I didn't know why I would NOT end up falling in love with him anymore more than i did last last year.. =( my eyes were wide and fill with tears.. i afraid he would not love me anymore.. seriously, i feared he would say something like that.. he will never share every single thing with me but with his friends.. *tmr, 15nov* at night after my dinner, i wanted to have a intimate talk with him after i reached home but he going out with his friends for yamcha, its okay.. while waiting for him to come back then i sms with my friend to asked whether she had any plan where to go because i was too boring at home, at first wanted to go but he angry at me cox i never tell him who i go with.. because of that he angry and showed me temper! he said "fuck the world la, cant just make me peace 1day, my dad and you *me* always like that".. then i just replied "okay then, i wont bother you anymore" then i off my phone.. i turns off the light and sleep, i cried and thought about a lot of things.. then, he called my house, my mum ans but say i was sleeping.. i doesnt want to push him anymore, there is no point in finding fault with each other, sometimes we spend time asking who is responsible or who to blame, whether in a relationship or etc.. we both miss out some warmth in human relationship in giving each other "trusted".. just treasure what i have now.. i don't want to regret liked last time i did before, multiply pain, anguish and suffering by holding on to forgiveness.. if everyone can look at life with this kind of perspective, i guess there would be much fewer problems in the world.. take off all your envies, jealousies, unwillingness to forgive, selfishness, and fears and you will find things are actually not as difficult as you think... LOVE?? i have no clue bout that.. I am going to write on all the bricks, rocks or wall "I MISS U" and i wish that one falls on ur head if can, hahas, so that u know how it hurts when u miss someone special like ME..
Treasure what you have... okay? time is always too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear. too long for those who grief, too short for those who rejoice but for those who love... "Time is Eternity"
For all you out there with someone special in your heart, cherish that person, cherish every moment that you spend together that special someone, for in life, anything can happen anytime.. you may painfully regret, only to realise that it is too late...
Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring.. so.......... dream hope and love... makes life beautiful =)
When the night comes, look at the sky.. If you see a star, don't wonder why, just make a wish.. Trust me, it will come true, 'cause I did it and I found you (dear)..!
Brain-10 mins,
legs-4 hrs,
Skin-5 days,
Heart-10 mins,
Bones-30 days,
I have the "I",
I have the "L",
I have the "O",
I have the "V",
I have the "E",
... so pls can I have "U"?
If I get scared, would you hold me tight? If I make a mistake, would you make it rite? If I build a fire, would you watch over e flame? If I say i miss you, would you feel the same??
Love will fly if held too lightly..
Love will die if held too tightly..
How should I hold u..??
How do I know if I'm still keeping you or I'm letting go...
Isn't she's cute??! CHUBBY huh.. =)
Well, i've met her, oh gosh, such a pretty and cute girl i've ever met before.. when my 2nd sista bring her come over to my plaved, I just cant stop wanted to play with her.. So, sista and i brought her to playground and i give her a piggy back ride, SHE'S HEAVY lehs...!!!! My godness... when v bout to reached home, she just sit there quietly without asking anything, so i gave her some biscuit to eat, after few mins later, she said she was straving again, hahaha.. when my sis heard it, she asked her "why you eat so much, not scared have a big tummy arh?!? then she smile there.. What i mean is it's really funny you know, as a small kid like her could eat so many things in 1day.. she likes to play with my dog a lots cos my house was nothing *empty* no toy at all.. she's not purposely come here actually, was waiting for my sis's bf to come and fetch her back only so she's here for moment.. Before she went back, i've took her pic as a memory of mine, so there are some pic that i have taken........ Ohh ya, i forgot her name, when i asked her she's like.......... My name is XxxXxxXxx, i cant really heard it.. but nvm, somehow sure got chance to meet each other..

Baby, wanted to sing a songs for you.. but i was just too shy to sing infront of you.. haha, Nvm, its the same also.. here i go...
*Happy birthday to you
*Happy birthday to you
*Happy birthday to you my dear~
*Happy birthday to you...
NICE? not nice also say nice, =) seldom sing to plp de le... truly from my heart..! Mwarks..! although we cant celebrate together today, cox of tuition, sis spend all, this and that.. but after this trial we will see how alright? today is a very boring day for me.. other than games, sleep, eat and watch tv.. i really got nothing to do.. cant meet my babe although is his BIRTHDAY... SIGH.......... why am i so failure?! aiiks, earlier that time i was planning everything to give you a surprise.. but last minutes, babe tell me that he cant make it.. i'm sorry to you babe, nvr ask your opinion before i plan this, and nvr think that babe will go tuition today.. this months lotsa plp birthday, 1 of them is my 2nd sista, so today went to jusco with my first sista just to buy a small cake to her and have a simple birthday party without anything (what am i crapping?) ahyo, i mean not counted as party larh, but everyone is here included her boyfriend but not my boyfriend ofcourse.. after this and that, at last we can eat the cake.. 1words for me, yummy..! the cake is okay for me, not too sweet and not too bitter.. opps, 1 thing i cant forget is i haven choose a present for babe.. thats really really really BAD..!! but soon i will think what to buy ok? cox what i wanted to give dear is already gave-wallet, a pillow with a shape 'love' that i sew, tee-shirt (HUG) but for sure not to buy you a sandals or slipper.. =) everything that i wish to buy, you already have... OH GOSH, tell me what to do?! no idea, just hope babe enjoyed the day with your friends ok? i'm sure that after yamcha sure play dota till very very late, so lastly... hMm, just wanted to wish dear a very very happy birthday ok, and Hoe.. same to you too.. haha, no present for you.. lol.. sorry
Headed to pavillion with besties today -lily and aillie-.. bought nothing other than shopping.. Took lunch at Sg.wang *wong kok char chan teng*, obviously v dont know where is the place, v find it out.. After lunch, had a walked then to Pavilion and went wong kok for yamcha and chit-chatting session again, had tea and snacks, why do v choose the same restaurant =??.. i'm so surprise that i've met Hoe, Boon Kiat and Sheng there.. Nothin much to talked, everyone was acting shy at each other *am i right*?.. Just joking anyway, don't killed me when u read this!!! Well, after that go for a movie called MIRROR.. OH GOSH, super duper scary..!! not about murdered but is about a spirit that living in the mirror.. the guy who sat beside me like nothing, no feelings and no screaming.. COME ON..!! is a scary movie larh.. what did you thinking? funny arh?! Finished movie session go for camwhoring session pulak, that's what girl ususally do laa.. =) just too free so v camwhoring and some more inside the toilet.. Where's the best place for us to camwhore?? Obviously TOILET are the Great choice.... Zzz.. Even the ah po sekalian all was looking at us, so embarassing right?.. ANd yea, got pail and mop behind us *spoil the pics* FINGER CROSSED!!
Wow, seems like i gotta really appreciate my holidays time which wont last forever of course..
Sorreee x1000!!!
I've have not been bloggin about few weeks, i've felt depressed lately but i'm fine now.. First of all i would like to apologize to baby.. 'i am so sorry babe'...! v always had an arguments these day and unhappy memories as well.. OH GOSH, it was past year things actually.. okay, stories.. Today had a big fight after the lunch, while i walking through to the bus-stop, i tried to ignore everything and tried not to do anything.. you are the 1 who scold me when i did not show you i was angry or sad.. you try to blame everything on me and act innocent so that you have the chance to go out with her this friday??! arrghh.. was that i'm just too jealous cox she's a friend of mine? last time when you act like you don't care me but you still wanna talk bout me infront of her?! this is making me insane till the max.. by talking crap and pretending all that plus denying makes you happy, then go ahead.. UNFORTUNATELY, i was wrong..! babe care bout me so so much, i was misunderstanding him.. he went to times square with his bro and the girl that i'm saying just to buy the tee-shirt that i admired for so so long.. SOBS.................. it took us 1 day to solve the arguement.. babe, i wanted to tell you...actually it is a stupid thing you did for me.. but i know why you still do it.. cox you really <3 ME.. haha.. its not truly all our fault, half of it was my fault too... thats why i blamed myself for scolding those nonscence to you this evening.. *SLAP-SELF*.. I just wanna be a good girl, good gf, and of course a very very good wife of you..

haha i'm obviously drunk..
aiiks, kinda lazy to update my blog..
Yea, i've got my photo's today, thats why i'm late.. But finally i made it and now i have the time to sit down infront of my pc and spill out everything at my blog...
these few days i was really rushing to finish up my sejarah hmwrk.. it was lotsa lotsa exercise which i haven done yet.. headed to babe's house today because he told me that his mom and dad was not around for few days, go MIRI i guess.. So went to his house just to spend my time with him because i was bored at home.. Late night had dinner with baby's sis, hoe and his grandpa near my house there.. Then went out to 7-eleven just to buy SKY VANILLA (kind of beer).. Too bad, "SOLD OUT", so v bought ABSOLUT VANILLA.. v didn't really had a small party inside the room like a rockstar but obviously i can tell it was AWESOME.. Haha, baby's grandpa did not know what were avtually doing inside the room cox he was sleept.. At first were playing around then all of sudden baby's sis played Jaychou songs which was my idol!! And i was like OHMY GOSH.... Like it so much la.. Mostly all the songs are nice to me.. While i was enjoying, i was drinking ABSOLUT VANILLA non-stop.. Time passes too fast, i've felt like my whole body was HOT and my head started dizzy.. baby jumping around like a monkey and fooling around with me and then WoooOo............. he's drunk.. hahaha.. He still dont want to admit it, what i mean is drunk people won't admit he was drunk!! And what i did was singing, and you know what?? they thought i'm drunk but i was not...! mayb you guys can't imagine cox you were not there, but it was really funny.. sorree darling, can't stop laughing at you.. I've vomit and its getting better already.. so embarrasing cox babe was just beside seeing me vomiting.. arrrgh...!! i can't even sleep well cox the flu is bothering me so so MUCH... So don't call me a pro drinker since i'm not one okay?!... But v still managed to had lotsa lotsa fun although i'm drunk.. haha..
she's sweet... everyone call her annie, but i prefer honey..
chia chin, what a pity name of her.. *cacing*

lily and i.. *besties and aso my classmate*
yea.. These are the best part for camwhoring session!! well, obviously she's our PRESIDENT OF ST.JOHN.. she's funny type.. what i mean was she likes to joke so so much and lotsa crappiness laa.. =) fooling around and makes everyone happy..
OMG... Today was a superb tiring day for me.. Camwhoring with all my ex-st.John-members.. Finally were OUT, haha, no more worries for everyone!!!
Let's say Cheeeeeeeeeeers!!
LOve and Huggies
SCHOOL LIFE again =) it's better than stayed at home during holiday... Chit ChAt and camwhoring in the school, my gang and i play around *always*.. Time passed fast in school... baBy n i still chatting and sms always.. babe may get more busy nowadays because he need to fight for SPM, tuition, study and etc.. Hope he can enjoy his life too and hope he did really know what the purposed he working so hard for this year exam..
Love and Kisses
Instead of yesterday, today i had an unforgetable day in my life.. =)

Woow, is really great when something nice comes to me!!..
Went shopping with belle, hoe and baby few days before summer splash session. headed to Times Square, Sg.wang and Pavillion and we found out more shops and bontiques there..! Belle bought a jacket, pencil box and lots more.. She used about rm100++ for all the items.. Absolutely cheaper than shopping at Sg'pore... I've enjoyed shopping with her seriously, basically were patient types, v can walk for the whole day non-stop just because v LOVE shopping so so much..! After that we have a walk at pavillion, meet baby's sis there cox v going back together.. then we took pics together.. Late night, went to baby's house and stayed there bout 3days 2night.. Was planned to stayed there 1night, unfortunately baby's mum request me to stay few days cox accompanied Belle.. Aiiks, night say going out to watch PROM NIGHT.. but too bad, everyone tiring and v do fall asleep..
LOve and Kisses
yUm yuM.. ice-cream again.. can't wait to EAT you... wait, capture first.. =)